Danay Bouzala, Drama Director Oct 24, 20212 min5 Alternative Trick or Treat IdeasHalloween doesn't have quite the same holiday status here in the UK as it does in the US, but trick-or-treating is becoming more popular...
Elizabeth LevendeliSep 19, 20216 minYour bilingual journeyPart 2: Tips for Language Learning As the proverb goes “it takes a village to raise a child” and it takes more than one parent to raise a...
Elizabeth LevendeliSep 8, 20214 minYour bilingual journey Part 1: Methods to raising bilingual children When raising children bilingual the first step is to decide what you are trying to achieve....
Marlen Vasilopoulou, Music DirectorJun 17, 20213 minSleep & Leaning: Why sleep should be every child's priority Sleep is really a central part of learning. Studies have shown that kids who regularly get an adequate amount of sleep have improved...