Working on a PPA Cover basis is a great way to build experience and relationships with schools! The following guidelines will help you be effective and sought after by many schools.

GETTING WORK Your booking information should include: - School name, address and phone number. - A contact name of the person you should meet at school. - Details of the booking and any requirement.
GETTING TO SCHOOL We all know that London is a busy city with great transport, but it is always best to be prepared. These tips will make your journey to school as easy as possible: - When you have been given a booking in advance make sure you plan your route the night before. - Always give yourself at least an hour to get to work, especially if you haven’t been there before. -Keep your mobile phone with you and switched on at all times while traveling. Contact our duty phone in case there are any unexpected delays. - Carry your DBS certificate with you at all times, even if it’s not your first visit at your school. ARRIVING AT SCHOOL Make sure you arrive at school by 8.15am, dressed appropriately and professionally. When you arrive you must report to the reception staff who will be expecting you. -Ask them about school procedures, planning, timetables, and any other expectations they have of you. - In most cases planned work will be left for you, which must be followed. If you have difficulties understanding the instructions or finding resources ask for assistance from other teachers who work in the same year group or department. When covering an unplanned absence with no planned work left for you, make sure you let the school know that you will be using back up work until they can provide you with lesson plans. - It is vital that you establish yourself with the class at the start of the day. Establish your own expectations and standards and link them to the rules the class teacher uses. - DO NOT: * Use any physical contact or force to discipline or restrain a child. * Use language or gestures that may be interpreted as aggressive. * Find yourself in a situation where you are alone with any child at any time. AT THE END OF THE DAY: - Mark all the work the class has completed that day. That should always reflect the lesson objectives and the pupils’ efforts to meet them. - Leave feedback for the class teacher. If the teacher is in school you should speak to them directly. If not, you must leave a written summary of the lesson/day’s events, including a section on behavior. This is the place to include an in full detail any accidents you encountered and how you dealt with them. - Ensure the classroom is clean and tidy, and return any school property. Have a fun and creative day! Danay Bouzala, Director of Drama