Unprecedented times, unprecedented actions! Whilst we do our best to fight this pandemic, catch up with e-learning, and gain a sense of normality, having to occupy our little ones is literally the cherry on top of the cake.
Restless kids fidgeting on the couch, the clock ticking slower than usual, and you’re fresh out of ideas for things to do. Well we’ve got your back. Here come 10 relatively fuss-free ideas, that will make everyone happy!

1. Explain what is happening Children have this amazing ability of tuning in with, and absorbing their parents’ energy. We suggest the sooner you sit down and talk about this extraordinary situation in simple terms, we more relaxed your children will be, and hopefully the less times they’ll ask you when will they be able to get out again. To help you out, we can do this bit! Here at ARTeach we virtually sit comfortably with your children, and tall all-Covid-19-everything in simple, yet efficient way.*
2. Work out together I am sure you are more than updated regarding the kind initiatives of fitness practitioners to keep us moving whilst staying in, with J.Wick’s being one of the most mainstream ones. Spend some time working out together, trying out variations, and different difficulty levels. It’s a win win for everyone, and laughs are guaranteed! 3. Write letters- yes, real ones Imagine what a beautiful surprise it would be for grandparents to receive a letter from their grandchildren. If they can’t figure out how Skype works, you can certainly surprise them with this traditional way of communication- we are very confident both parties will love it! 4. Creative activities We understand that you have to work from home, so we came up with some fun, yet creative activities to keep the kids busy too. *Spy School Distance learning of old school spy tricks is still a thing. All you’ll need is a bit of space to move, and your cool attitude! *Musical Colours Music out, crayons out! We explore what works of art your children will draw, after being inspired by listening to different types of music. 5. Let the kids raid your closet and put on a fashion show Just make sure you have a deal, and they put everything back after…! 6. Bake together From healthy flapjacks and crowd pleasing banana breads, to Belgian mousses and two-tier cakes, get all involved in the most creative activity that could happen in the kitchen. By the end, your bellies will be happy too! 7. Podcasts for kids Yes, podcasts aren’t just for grown ups, and we are telling you kids can love them as much as we do. From story podcasts to more scientific ones, there is something for everyone out there. 8. Music/ Drama lessons Yep. Corona is a thing, but they should still work on those skills*… 9. Have a dance Party But, a proper one! Put on some fun costumes, learn the dance routines, film it, and send it out to your loved ones. You have fun, they have fun! 10. Pop some kernels and have a movie night Simple, classic, and the best day to end a successful and productive day at home:) *ARTeach is still open for business and provides these activities remotely via our online platform. Marlen Vasilopoulou, Director of Music